Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Things That Make Me Laugh, Cry, and Cringe

So, I live in the city. I use public transportation, and I don't have a car. I walk, at the least, 2 miles a day. Ever since I moved here, shoe shopping has become an entirely different experience. When I find a cute pair of shoes, instead of asking if I could see myself strutting around the bars in them, I ask if I could see myself walking the half-mile from my apartment to the Metro stop, climbing the 3-story escalator, and hiking home when I inevitably stay out past midnight and can't get home on the Metro. Thank god flats came back into style. But, for those days when I can't even face those, there's an answer! (Zomg, I'm totally kidding, guys. Do you really think I'd go around with those stupid springs on my shoes?)

Anyway...let's get on to the baby mama drama. Can I just say that the fact that John McCain's campaign has turned into an episode of Jerry Springer is, like, the best thing that could have ever happened? Seriously. It feels like Christmas...on 6 Flags...getting laid! Although, I have to thank McCain, Palin, and, of course, Bristol and Levi for making my job way more interesting for the next few months. I mean, if I thought the 1998 hairclip was blog worthy, this is priceless. Hugsies!

I have to ask, though, isn't there something about the name Bristol that makes it really easy to envision a bunch of high school jocks sitting around the lunch table talking about what a slut she is? Ahh, well...we should support the union and send a beautiful gift from their registry. I've got dibs on the Levi's towel!

On a serious note, if choosing a floozy like Palin was McCain's first major decision, and he didn't even check into her credentials, how is he going to handle presidential decisions? Secondly, are they seriously going to act as though a teenage pregnancy is not just ok, but something to celebrate, just as long as Bristol and Levi get married? What about setting an example for the rest of the country? I'm not a parent, so I'm not sure if I'm really qualified to comment on this, but I respect the Palin's decision to not turn their daughter away during this stressful time in her life. However, they can't proceed as though everything is just hunky dory. Please have the decency to give us some speeches about the difficulties of parenting, and admit that, while there's really no arguing that abstinence is the best way to prevent pregnancy, it doesn't work out like that for everyone, and there are other alternatives.

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